Monday, May 14, 2012


Bull riding shows to be one of the most dangerous sports in the world, due to the fact they are trying to ride 1500 pound, angry animals. Rodeos are popular sporting events in the southern and western United States, and bull riders sustain 37% of all rodeo-related injuries, which is more than people in any other rodeo event. During 1994-1995 in Louisiana, five cases of central nervous system trauma associated with riding bulls in rodeo events were identified through the Louisiana Central Nervous System Injury Registry, a statewide, population-based surveillance system addressing brain and spinal cord injury incidence, etiology, and outcome. In a study done of injuries per event bull riding was the number one with a percent of 49.77%. Coming in at second was bareback riding with 22.80% which can also be very dangerous. These statistics go to show that although bull riding is dangerous, there's a small chance of dying, just injuries.

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